A collection of essays examined what needed to be done to meet the government s housing targets. It proposed new incentives to address housing shortages in the south, and under-investment in areas of deprivation in the north.
Source: Paul Hackett (ed.), Incentives for Growth, Smith Institute (020 7592 3618)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Oct
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on housing supply and affordability.
Source: ODPM Select Committee Inquiry: Housing Supply and Affordability, Cm 6912, Department for Communities and Local Government, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Response | MPs report
Date: 2006-Sep
A briefing paper examined the key factors influencing the supply of sub-market affordable housing in England - housing provided with public subsidy that was rented out at lower than market rents, or sold under a low-cost home ownership scheme. It also explained government measures to improve the affordability of housing sold on the open market.
Source: Wendy Wilson and Julien Anseau, Affordable Housing in England, Research Paper 06/41, House of Commons Library (web publication only)
Links: HOC Library research paper
Date: 2006-Aug
A report said that the average house price in England would rise from just under 195,000 in the first quarter of 2006 to around 286,500 in 2011 - a rise of around 50 per cent. House price inflation would outpace growth in earnings and disposable incomes in every year between 2006 and 2011.
Source: England s Housing Timebomb: Affordability and supply 2006-2011, National Housing Federation (020 7278 6571)
Links: Report | NHF press release
Date: 2006-Jul
A report by a committee of MPs said that the government's plans for 200,000 new houses each year might not be enough to meet demand. The overwhelming need was for social rented homes. The report also criticized the government's proposed changes to planning policy for housing as likely to encourage development on green fields and undermine urban renewal.
Source: Affordability and the Supply of Housing, Third Report (Session 2005-06), HC 703, House of Commons Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | NHF press release | Shelter press release | CPRE press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Jun
A collection of essays examined the role that a revived private rented sector could play in the supply of new homes.
Source: Peter Bill (ed.), More Homes for Rent: Stimulating supply to match growing demand, Smith Institute (020 7592 3618)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-May
The 2006 Budget included plans to boost housing supply and deliver more affordable housing. There would be increased investment of 970 million through the 'national affordable housing programme', designed to deliver 35,000 new low-cost home-ownership properties over two years. Public sector land would be used to deliver a further 30,000 new homes.
Source: Budget 2006: A strong and strengthening economy - Investing in Britain s future, Cm 968, HM Treasury, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | HMT press release | ODPM press release | Housing Corporation press release
Date: 2006-Mar